joimax® goes HD: HD Technology for superior safety in endoscopic spinal surgery

Camsource®HD camera systems, HD endoscopes and HD flat screen monitors by joimax® at the 5th German Spine Congress (5. Deutscher Wirbelsäulenkongress) in Bremen, Germany

Karlsruhe, December 2010: The 5th German Spine Congress (5. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Wirbelsäulengesellschaft (DWG) will take place from 16 to 18 December 2010 at the Congress Centre in Bremen. joimax® is proud to present the innovative HD 5-in-1 complete system at their booth no.20: The C-Camsource®HD Twister offers state-of-the-art HD technology and works with both the joimax® HD endoscopes and HD flat screens producing an extremely precise and sharp picture and video imaging for endoscopic spinal surgery.

This is convincing technology for spinal surgery experts like Dr. Michael Schubert, Apex-Spine Center, Munich, Germany or Dr. Ralf Wagner, Frankfurt, Germany: „High resolution like this allows very precise working and provides the necessary safety required when operating – especially in the field of endoscopic spinal surgery.“ With this integrated combination of HD camera technique, HD endoscopes and HD flat screen monitors joimax® is the first manufacturer to offer a completely tuned and expandable HD system of highest imaging quality and picture resolution.

Both surgeons value the C-Camsource® HD Twister as a 5-in-1 system with its integrated xenon light source and picture rotation function; “There is optimal lighting at all times and with the Twister, image details can be zoomed in and rotated”, “and thanks to the imaging function and the diaphragm and mask function, optimal orientation in the operation area is possible.”
The HD 5-in-1 complete system has also a text generator in order to document each step of the surgery and it offers direct and simple data storage on a USB data carrier. “It was important for us to offer the surgeon a perfectly coordinated as well as a safe complete system“, says Wolfgang Ries, CEO and founder of joimax®, “for the best possible treatment of patients – without any compromises.”

Advantages of the C-Camsource® HD-Twister complete system and the joimax® HD endoscopes

– Best possible resolution due to High-Definition-Technology
– First-class brightness, brilliance of the pictures due to optimal co-ordination of the endoscope,
camera and screen as tuned system
– Unique image rotation, zoom and picture movement function
– As much system integration as sensible, possible and necessary
– Functions for intuitive orientation, marking and documentation

Advantages of the HD flat screen monitors by joimax®

– HD flat screen monitors in either 24“ or 42“ with an angle of
178 degrees for an exceptionally good view and safe operating
– Brilliant images in high resolution: 1.920 x 1.080 pixels
– Picture in picture function; size and position adjustable
– Touch Control Panel, multi-language menu navigation

joimax® successfully carries out 5th International Live Surgery Workshop in cooperation with APEX Spine Center

joimax® hosts another international endoscopy workshop focussed on spine surgery supported by renowned spine specialists

Karlsruhe, 15 October 2010
– On 14 and 15 October the Klinikum Starnberg, Munich, as well as the anatomy of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany, were the site of a two-day joimax® workshop focussed on the endoscopic resection of herniated discs performed by the TESSYS® method. Highlight of this international workshop were two live surgeries observed by 21 participating orthopaedic surgeons as well as neurosurgeons in the adjacent conference room of the Starnberg Residence.

Dr. med. Michael Schubert of the Munich APEX SPINE Center operated on two patients, explained every single step of the surgery and answered the auditorium’s questions. Several workshop participants were able to watch the surgery directly in the operating room. The live surgeries were preceded by an intensive cadaver training in the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich. Participants came from Germany, Austria, Italy, England, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. Renowned faculties like Dr. Florian Maria Alfen, Dr. Guntram Krzok, Dr. Carl-Hans Fürstenberg, Dr. Wolfgang Kreil as well as Dr. Manuel Panne, anaesthesiologist in Munich, contributed to a successful event.

The Bayerische Rundfunk TV station was live onsite on 14 October and aired the report titled “Schnelle Hilfe dank Endoskopie” (“Fast relieve through endoscopy”) the very same evening at best broadcasting time.

Group Munich 14-15.10.2010

„Shrill®“ – The new Shaver Drill System by joimax® for the treatment of spinal stenosis

Karlsruhe, 14 September 2010: Just in time before the major international fall congresses joimax® launches the „Shrill®“, another technical highlight for the broader application of the TESSYS® spine surgery technique. This multifunctional drill and resection system removes both soft and solid structures effortlessly and safely and hence completes the TESSYS® method for stenotic patients.

The obvious advantages for the surgeon: Shrill® is easy to program, enables intuitional use and it can be operated with buttons on the hand piece or the foot switch. The different shaver blades allow for safe and reliable removal of bone, soft or scar tissue in immediate vicinity of nerves.
The integrated irrigation and suction control provides a clear view on the operation area at all times.

„With this instrument we are now able to successfully operate spinal stenoses fully endoscopically“, says Dr. Menno Iprenburg, one of the first users of the TESSYS® System. „Decompressions of nerve structures in various levels of the spine under endoscopical view are now possible in one surgical session“, states Dr. Ralf Wagner, being an expert in this new surgery technique.

The advantages for the patient are evident as with all other joimax instruments: safety even in sensitive areas, fast pain relieve and regaining quality of life due to the minimal invasive surgery method.

Last but not least the advantage for the health care system: The short recovery time of the patient reduces cost to the patient and health insurance!

joimax® moves into larger premises

joimax® invests in the future and moves into new offices in the US and in Germany

Irvine, USA / Karlsruhe, Germany – 14. Juni 2010 – The medical devices company
joimax® GmbH is moving into new premises both in Germany and the US. „Growth requires space“ had already been the motto of the last company move back in 2005.
The US market has an enormous growth potential. This is why the subsidiary joimax® Inc. is moving from Campbell to Irvine, California, one of high-tech industry centers in the United States. To meet the growing requirements of the US market the joimax® headquarter in Karlsruhe, Germany is also moving into bigger offices. President and founder Wolfgang Ries states: “This step of expansion was necessary to comply with the growing requirements towards our organisation.” “The new premises are a perfect operational basis to be able to cover the growing demand for joimax technologies in the US“, explains Chip Stevens, CEO of joimax Inc.

The doubling of the operational areas is also a landmark decision with respect to the ongoing product launches of the company. joimax® is preparing the launch of the Shrill® in Europe which will shortly be followed by the US launch. This shaver and drill system for the ablation of bone and soft tissue under endoscopic view will be completed by a new pump system called Versicon® and an HD endoscopy system. Following the motto „joimax goes HD“ the so-called Camsource® HD Twister camera system, new HD flat screen monitors and HD endoscopes will be brought to market.

Veröffentlicht in 2010

joimax® holds the first international TESSYS® User Meeting in Veenhuizen, The Netherlands, and announces the launch of various new products for endoscopic spinal surgery

Karlsruhe, 12. May 2010. On 14 and 15 May 2010 joimax® GmbH holds the first international user meeting of endoscopic spinal surgery in Veenhuizen/Netherlands. Besides the ten reference surgeons about 30 participants and customers from Germany, Europe, the United States and other countries are expected to join the meeting. The scientific program comprises atwo-days conference which be opened with a keynote lecture of Prof. Dr. Gerbrand J. Groen of the university of Utrecht. CEO and founder of the company Wolfgang Ries will give an outline of the product offensive in the coming months in the field of access systems, ablation and drilling systems and the latest joimax® HD technologies.

One of the highlights of this event will be the opening ceremony of Rugkliniek Iprenburg in Veenhuizen. The head of this private clinic Dr. Menno Iprenburg, a long-time member of the joimax® Faculty, having completed more than 900 TESSYS® surgeries, states: „It was the right decision to give up my position as chief surgeon in Assen and to risk once again total self-employment with the joimax® TESSYS® method“, and, „this is also proven by the significantly increasing number of patients and the possibility of operating more indications with the joimax® endoscopic methods “.

Veröffentlicht in 2010

Live TESSYS® operation at the 4th German Spine Congress, Munich

From December 10th-12th 2009, joimax® took part in the 4th German Spine Congress (DWG) in Munich. This congress has advanced to become the largest spine congress in Europe, overtaking the Eurospine. The DWG offered joimax® the opportunity to transmit a live operation into a conference room for the first time at a German spine congress. During a lunchtime workshop approximately 100 participants watched attentively as Dr. Michael Schubert (Apex Spine Center, Munich) performed an endoscopic intervertebral disc operation using the TESSYS® method in the ATOS Private Clinic Munich, with commentary by Dr. Florian Maria Alfen (Würzburg) – a premiere event at a German neuro or spine surgery congress. Bavarian Television (“Bayerisches Fernsehen”) immediately took up the story, broadcasting a report on this exciting event in the evening news on the very same day (10.12.2009).

Further information regarding the 2009 DWG can be found under

Veröffentlicht in 2010

Third international workshop on endoscopic spinal surgery using the TESSYS® method incorporating live operations

joimax® and the ATOS Private Clinic Munich present their largest international endoscopy workshop so far.

Karlsruhe, 16th September 2009
: On 14th and 15th September a joimax® workshop on the endoscopic removal of disc herniations using the TESSYS® method took place in the ATOS Private Clinic Munich for the third time. A highlight of this international workshop was the transmission of three live operations, which the 25 participating orthopaedic and neurosurgeons were able to follow in the conference room in the neighbouring Sheraton Arabellapark Hotel.
Dr. med. Michael Schubert operated on three patients from Egypt, Denmark and Germany, describing the individual steps of the procedure and answering questions from the auditorium during the operations. Several workshop participants were also able to follow the operations directly from the operating theatre. The live operations followed a day of intensive training on cadavers in the Ludwig-Maximilian University, Munich. The participants travelled from far and wide for the workshop, with surgeons from Germany, Austria, Spain, Turkey and several Asian countries taking part. Faculty member and course instructor Dr. Menno Iprenburg, who heads his own clinic in Veenhuizen, the Netherlands, claimed: “In my opinion this was the best workshop so far!”

Click on images to enlarge.

Veröffentlicht in 2009

First TESSYS® OP performed in the Oberwallis Spitalzentrum in Switzerland

Dr. Florian Alfen
Dr. Florian Alfen

Oberwallis / Switzerland, 24.07.09. The first intervertebral disc operation using the joimax® TESSYS® method for the endoscopic removal of herniated discs was recently performed in the Oberwallis Spitalzentrum in Brig, Switzerland. Dr. med. Uwe Schwarz (pictured left), Chief Physician of orthopaedic surgery, carried out the two and a half hour long procedure to remove a lumbar disc herniation together with spine specialist and joimax® Senior Faculty Member Dr. Florian Maria Alfen from Würzburg (pictured right). The patient was able to leave the hospital on the same day.

Veröffentlicht in 2009

Second international workshop incorporating live operations using the endoscopic spinal surgery method TESSYS® at the ATOS Private Clinic in Munich

Karlsruhe, 22nd June 2009: On 15th and 16th June the second international joimax® workshop on the endoscopic removal of disc hernias using the TESSYS® method took place in the ATOS Private Clinic in Munich. The highlight of this workshop was the live transmission of three operations, which the 15 workshop participants were able to follow from the comfort of the conference room in the neighbouring NH Hotel. Dr. med. Michael Schubert performed the operations on patients from Germany and Denmark, describing the individual steps and answering questions from the doctors in the auditorium during the operation. Two workshop participants were able to go into the operating theatre for each operation to observe the live procedure.
The live operations followed a day of intensive training on cadavers, allowing the doctors from Germany, Spain, Italy, USA, Jordan and Israel to get the most benefit from the live operations. Lectures by experts in the field of minimally invasive endoscopic spinal surgery completed the workshop.

Veröffentlicht in 2009