Karlsruhe, Germany – April 11th, 2017 – joimax®, the German based market leader of technologies and training methods for endoscopic minimally invasive spinal surgery, just celebrated its 10 years’ birthday in China with an outstanding 3 days event in Chongqing. More than 900 surgeons out of 2,000 users in China only took part in live surgeries, workshops and a scientific program on endoscopic spinal technologies including MISS fusion techniques. Besides, joimax® organized the presentation of its latest systems like the TESSYS® ISeeU and iLESSYS® Delta in product trainings as well as newest tools for endoscopic treatment in an exhibition hall. The program was supported by joimax® Faculty Members from Europe, USA and other countries. In the course of the meeting a Chinese Faculty Team with 13 members was inaugurated by Wolfgang Ries, Founder and CEO of joimax® and Qin-Guang You, President of joimax® China. ”Due to the growing education and training needs in the Asian region the time has come to form a local team for this important market”, explains Wolfgang Ries. “It is a great honor to lead this team and to support the further growth of joimax®”, says the head of the Faculty Team, Prof. Yue Zhou from the Third Military Medical University in Chongqing. He was awarded with the joimax® Handshake Award in Gold for his exceptional commitment and the members of the group received the joimax® Handshake Award in Silver.
After very satisfying growing sales figures in 2016 (31 % growth vs. 2015), joimax® is proud to announce a jump in sales in the first quarter 2017. Consolidated figures show an increase of 60 % compared to the same period of last year. “This is a very encouraging development, showing the continuing expansion and growth of the group”, states Wolfgang Ries, Founder and CEO of joimax®.