Decompression / Deherniation Systems
Complete decompression and deherniation systems for endoscopic spine surgery – combined minimally invasive access technologies.
The TESSYS® method uses the lateral transforaminal endoscopic approach, which is, in general, a “gentle surgery”.
The iLESSYS® method uses the endoscopic interlaminar access for the removal of herniated disc material or the treatment of spinal stenosis.
CESSYS® – The endoscopic system for the treatment of herniated discs in the cervical spine.
When to use TESSYS® and when to use iLESSYS® ?
TESSYS® and iLESSYS® offer two alternative minimally invasive endoscopic approaches to the spinal canal. Generally all lumbar levels can be treated with either approach.
Transforaminal access to the spinal canal is mostly preferred by experienced users for all pathology in the ventral and lateral spinal canal and the foramina.
The interlaminar approach is indispensable for pathology dorsal to the dura but may also be preferred in levels L4/5 and L5/S1. There the interlaminar window is large enough to allow visualization with minimal bone removal and very limited resection of the ligamentum flavum.
Transforaminal access to the spinal canal is mostly preferred by experienced users for all pathology in the ventral and lateral spinal canal and the foramina.
The interlaminar approach is indispensable for pathology dorsal to the dura but may also be preferred in levels L4/5 and L5/S1. There the interlaminar window is large enough to allow visualization with minimal bone removal and very limited resection of the ligamentum flavum.
NAVENTO® Knows No Boundaries!
NAVENTO® – The fully integrated, new generation endoscopic navigation tower for the whole range of applications. It offers the complete package with latest technology and coordinated functionalities of all devices.
This enables the user to master endoscopic spinal surgery in all its diversity and offers growth potential for the expansion of skills and indications.
NAVENTO® knows no boundaries!