joimax® Announces Partnership with Southeast Asia Distributor, Transmedic Group
Karlsruhe (GER) – joimax®, the German-based market leader in technologies and training methods for full-endoscopic and minimally invasive spinal surgery, is pleased to announce a new partnership with Transmedic Group, a top medical device distributor headquartered in Singapore. In this exclusive deal, Transmedic will represent joimax® in Singapore, Hong Kong, Philippines and Indonesia.
The long-term partnership will provide a broader surgical choice for patients considering endoscopic minimally invasive spinal surgery in these markets. With recent advances in the field of endoscopic discectomy (ED), the procedure has potential to supersedemicrodiscectomy (MD) as the gold standard of care in management of lumbar disc disease, as the latest literature suggests.
“joimax® is very much looking forward to working with Transmedic Group,” says joimax® Founder and CEO Wolfgang Ries. “With the rising popularity of endoscopic approaches in the management of spinal diseases, we’re able to deliver the highest standard of patient care, strengthen our sales activities, and enter into another important partnership across APAC.”
Teo Kee Meng, managing director of Transmedic Group commented, “We’re very pleased to partner with joimax®. With their technological advancements and use of new spinal access corridors, a major prevention of spinal structure collateral damage is assured, allowing for significantly reduced complications and improved postoperative recovery times.”

About Transmedic Group
Transmedic Group was founded in 1980 with the aim of becoming the top specialist in the advanced medical technology area in Southeast Asia. Headquartered in Singapore, the privately held company has since grown its presence in seven countries with more than 500 employees, and is well-renowned as the leading provider of latest technologies in healthcare.
About joimax®
Founded in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2001, joimax® is the leading developer and marketer of complete systems for full-endoscopic and minimally invasive spinal surgery. With the Endoscopic Surgical Systms TESSYS® (transforaminal), iLESSYS® (interlaminar) and CESSYS® (cervical) for decompression procedures, MultiZYTE® for facet and sacroiliac joint pain treatment, EndoLIF® and Percusys® for minimally invasive endoscopically assisted stabilizations, established systems are provided, addressing a whole range of indications. All methods are supported by the latest generation electronical devices in the all new NAVENTO® navigated endoscopic tower. In procedures for herniated discs, stenosis, pain therapy or spinal stabilization treatment, surgeons utilize joimax® technologies to operate through small incisions under local or full anesthesia, via tissue and muscle-sparing corridors, and through natural openings in the spinal canal, e.g., the intervertebral foramen, the so-called "Kambin triangle".
Press Contact Germany
joimax® GmbH
Antje Paulsen
Press Contact USA
joimax®, Inc.
Jose Elguera
+1 (949) 859 3472 301