joimax® presents the EndoLIF® system
Karlsruhe – As its latest development, joimax® presents the EndoLIF® system for endoscopic stabilization of the lumbar spine. The EndoLIF® system includes an O-cage
(oblique cage) in addition to fully endoscopic access technology to the intervertebral disc space with the proven TESSYS® or iLESSYS® technique. In addition, there is Percusys®, a screw and rod system for posterior percutaneous stabilization.
The advantages of this procedure are clear:
• Smooth, atraumatic access due to dilation of tissue
• Dura and nerves are protected by the working tubes
• Dorsal bone structures are unaffected
• O-cage made from titanium with honeycomb structure as optimal subsurface for cell growth
• Percutaneous stabilization with a screw and rod system, so minimally invasive too Both new systems are CE approved, not yet FDA cleared.

About joimax®
Founded in Karlsruhe, Germany in 2001, joimax® is the leading developer and marketer of complete systems for full-endoscopic and minimally invasive spinal surgery. With the Endoscopic Surgical Systms TESSYS® (transforaminal), iLESSYS® (interlaminar) and CESSYS® (cervical) for decompression procedures, MultiZYTE® for facet and sacroiliac joint pain treatment, EndoLIF® and Percusys® for minimally invasive endoscopically assisted stabilizations, established systems are provided, addressing a whole range of indications. All methods are supported by the latest generation electronical devices in the all new NAVENTO® navigated endoscopic tower. In procedures for herniated discs, stenosis, pain therapy or spinal stabilization treatment, surgeons utilize joimax® technologies to operate through small incisions under local or full anesthesia, via tissue and muscle-sparing corridors, and through natural openings in the spinal canal, e.g., the intervertebral foramen, the so-called "Kambin triangle".
Press Contact Germany
joimax® GmbH
Antje Paulsen
Press Contact USA
joimax®, Inc.
Jose Elguera
+1 (949) 859 3472 301